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Voice verification is a biometric authentication technology well suited for applications and systems in which other biometric technologies would be difficult or inconvenient to implement. This form of biometric is most often deployed in environments where the voice is already captured, such as telephony and call centers. Making use of distinctive qualities of a person's voice, some of which are behaviorally determined and others of which are physiologically determined; voice verification is typically deployed in such areas as home improvement and security, banking account access, home PC, network access, and many others. Some of the key advantages and disadvantages for voice recognition technology are listed below:


  • Easy to use and requires no special training or equipment.
  • Relatively inexpensive compared to other biometrics.
  • Consumers prefer to use voiceprints over other biometric technology for identification according to a Chase bank’s research study.


  • When processing a person’s voice over multiple channels such a microphone and then over a telephone reduces the recognition rate.
  • Physical conditions of the voice, such as those due to sickness, affect the voice verification process.
  • Environment noise reduces the overall accuracy and effectiveness of the recognition.
  • The storage requirement for voiceprint database can be very large.
  • A person’s voice changes over time.

For more information on this technology, please look at our voice recognition reference books section for our recommendations.

At BioVeriCom, Inc., we are developing voice recognition technology to augment other biometric technology for additional security. This product is still under development.

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